Certification (conformity assessment) is a documentary evidence of the conformity of products or other objects, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services to the requirements of technical regulations, the provisions of standards or the terms of contracts.
"Gulftic - ICSC "Halal" LLC at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of the contract for the provision of certification services, a voluntary confirmation of the conformity of products and services with the requirements of the canons of Islam contained in the "Halal" standards GSO 2055-1,GSO 993, OIC/SMIIC 1.
The procedure for confirming the conformity of products and services to the Halal standard within the framework of the voluntary certification system consists of the following stages of certification procedures, certificate issuance and control.
"Gulftic - ICSC "Halal" LLC at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of the contract for the provision of certification services, a voluntary confirmation of the conformity of products and services with the requirements of the canons of Islam contained in the "Halal" standards GSO 2055-1,GSO 993, OIC/SMIIC 1.
The procedure for confirming the conformity of products and services to the Halal standard within the framework of the voluntary certification system consists of the following stages of certification procedures, certificate issuance and control.
Quality Management System
The Halal Certification Body, "Gulftic-ICSC "Halal" LLC "ICSC"Halal" approved and put into effect a quality management system developed in accordance with the requirements of GSO 2055-2, OIC/SMIIC 2.
The document confirming the fulfillment of the requirements for the Halal certification body is the Quality Manual, which:
– defines the scope of the quality management system of the Halal certification body, created to implement the Quality Policy when carrying out work on Halal certification;
– informs the employees of the Halal certification body about the goals, objectives, distribution of responsibilities, process and procedures of the quality management system, and also serves as a support in the implementation of the tasks set.
The document confirming the fulfillment of the requirements for the Halal certification body is the Quality Manual, which:
– defines the scope of the quality management system of the Halal certification body, created to implement the Quality Policy when carrying out work on Halal certification;
– informs the employees of the Halal certification body about the goals, objectives, distribution of responsibilities, process and procedures of the quality management system, and also serves as a support in the implementation of the tasks set.
Scope of Accreditation
C (Food Manufacturing)
• CI – Production of animal products including fish and seafood, meat, eggs, dairy and fish products. Applicable standard (GSO 2055-1)
• CV - Processing of carcasses including slaughtering in slaughterhouses (poultry, rabbit, beef, goat and lamb), cutting, cleaning and packing. Applicable standard (GSO 2055-1; GSO 993)
• CI – Production of animal products including fish and seafood, meat, eggs, dairy and fish products. Applicable standard (GSO 2055-1)
• CV - Processing of carcasses including slaughtering in slaughterhouses (poultry, rabbit, beef, goat and lamb), cutting, cleaning and packing. Applicable standard (GSO 2055-1; GSO 993)
Certification Scheme and Procedure
Schemes of Halal Certification
Gulftic-ICSC Halal can certify under the following schemes:
- Scheme of Halal Certification (for slaughterhouses, food products & additives). A copy of the scheme can be provided to potential applicant upon request and the requirements of the scheme are binding upon the client.
Procedure for granting halal certificate:
- Submission and analysis
- Halal certification agreement and price quote
- Audit
- Certification decision
1. Submission and analysis
• Submission by the Client of an application certified by an authorized representative, Appendix No. 1 and Form 2, along with the necessary documentation, to Gulftic-ICSC "Halal" LLC.• Analysis of the application and the documents attached to it, verification of the ingredients specified in the application.
• Request for additional documentation (if necessary).
• Conclusion of the Agreement with the Client upon positive results of the analysis of the application.
•Payment by the Client of the cost under the Agreement.
2. Audit (1st stage)
• Preparation and sending to the Client of the audit program and the plan of the 1st stage of the audit.
• Preparation of a set of documents for the 1st stage of the audit.
• Assessment of the compliance of the Client's Halal system with the requirements of the selected certification standard (GSO 2055-1, GSO 993, GSO 2055-4, OIC/SMIIC 1).
• Bringing to the attention of the Client the results of the 1st stage of the audit with the preparation of the Report and the List of problem areas (if any).
• Provision by the Client of the necessary evidence of the elimination of identified problem areas in a timely manner.
• Evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the Client.
• Deciding to conduct the 2nd stage of the audit.
3. Audit (2nd stage)
• Preparation and sending to the Client of the audit plan.
• Verification and assessment of the Client's compliance with the Halal system requirements and their compliance with the requirements of the selected certification standard (GSO 2055-1, GSO 993, GSO 2055-4, OIC/SMIIC 1).
• Bringing to the attention of the Client the results of the 2nd stage of the audit with the preparation of the Report and the List of non-conformities (if any).
• Provision by the Client of the necessary evidence of the elimination of identified inconsistencies within the prescribed period.
• Evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the Client.
4. Certification decision
• The adoption by the Certification Board of a decision to issue a Halal certificate after confirmation by the performance team that the Client has completed all corrective actions in relation to identified non-conformities.
• Registration and issuance of a Halal certificate, the validity of which, subject to timely periodic assessments of the Client's Halal system, is three years.
5. Surveillance (periodic audits for maintaining the certification)
• Scheduling the periodic surveillance audits after certification with a time period not exceeding 12 months from the date of certification or less depending on the decision committee feedback or status of the client in order to maintain the certification
• Send the surveillance audit plan and complete the audit as per the agreed plan
• Prepare audit reports for the surveillance and submit them to the decision committee for their decision to maintain the certification.
• During the 3-year validity of the certification cycle, at least 2 surveillance audits are conducted for each year of the certification cycle not exceeding 12 months each.
• Other special audits may apply for the client including unannounced audits implemented by the halal certification body or the accreditation body of the HCB or by other authorities regulating Halal.
6. Renewal of certification cycle
• The certified entity should be subjected to a renewal audit before the expiry of the certificate in order to be eligible for renewal of the certification cycle to a further validity of 3 years.• The renewal is planned in such a way as to provide enough time to close the findings that could be raised during this renewal audit which should be closed before the expiry date to enable certificate renewal decision by the decision committee.
7. Scope Expansion of Halal Certification
Certified clients wishing to expand the scope of the halal certificate to include additional products or scope shall be subject to the below process:
• Halal Application submission along with documents as applicable• Application and documentation review
• Evaluation (document review and/or online audit and/or onsite audit) depending on the request and condition of the certified entity in terms of compliance history and/or accomplishment of periodic audits
• Review of evaluation by decision committee
• Certificate committee decision and issuance of renewed certification documents
For more information on the certification process, document requirements, and technical requirements for halal certification, you can contact us through the below details:
+7 495 688 95 09
Rules for use of certification body's name and Halal marks or logos
The client can only use the Halal logo provided by the certification body on its products and in all external and internal documents. The Halal mark can be used for certified products, documentation directly related to the production of Halal certified products, as well as for marking premises/tools/equipment used for the production of Halal certified products.
All labels / packaging of the Client with the Halal marking must be preliminarily agreed with the certification body. The Halal mark can only be used on products for which a Halal certificate has been issued and which are listed on the certificate or its annex.
The Halal mark is provided to Clients by the certification body in working format and can only be used in original or black and white color.
Its design / ratio of parameters cannot differ from those provided by the certification body. The sign must be clearly visible on product labels/packages and cannot be obscured by other inscriptions/logos.
In case of misuse of the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate, the certification body informs the Client of the need to immediately stop the unauthorized use of the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate.
If the Client misuses the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate again, the validity of the certificate is suspended or cancelled. In the absence of immediate corrective actions on the part of the Client, the certification body has the right to apply to the judicial authorities of the Russian Federation.
The client shall not use the name of the certification body in such a way that it brings disrepute to the certification body. Marketing contents (including website contents) of the certified entity shall not use the name of the certification body without prior authorization or permission from the body in the written form issued by the employee of the certification body not less than the Deputy Director. Upon successful certification, clients shall sign the agreement related to the use of the halal mark of the certification body.
Such an agreement can be provided to potential applicants upon request.
All labels / packaging of the Client with the Halal marking must be preliminarily agreed with the certification body. The Halal mark can only be used on products for which a Halal certificate has been issued and which are listed on the certificate or its annex.
The Halal mark is provided to Clients by the certification body in working format and can only be used in original or black and white color.
Its design / ratio of parameters cannot differ from those provided by the certification body. The sign must be clearly visible on product labels/packages and cannot be obscured by other inscriptions/logos.
In case of misuse of the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate, the certification body informs the Client of the need to immediately stop the unauthorized use of the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate.
If the Client misuses the Halal logo and/or the issued Halal certificate again, the validity of the certificate is suspended or cancelled. In the absence of immediate corrective actions on the part of the Client, the certification body has the right to apply to the judicial authorities of the Russian Federation.
The client shall not use the name of the certification body in such a way that it brings disrepute to the certification body. Marketing contents (including website contents) of the certified entity shall not use the name of the certification body without prior authorization or permission from the body in the written form issued by the employee of the certification body not less than the Deputy Director. Upon successful certification, clients shall sign the agreement related to the use of the halal mark of the certification body.
Such an agreement can be provided to potential applicants upon request.
Payment and cost of certification works
Payment and cost of certification works
The head of the Halal Certification Body (CB) is responsible for ensuring the stable financial position of the CB and resolves issues of resource provision, including to cover obligations arising in the course of activities. This is confirmed by the agreement (policy) for liability insurance of legal entities No. 5/22/153/918 dated January 25, 2022, concluded with PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh.
CB has the necessary production facilities, technical base, financial resources necessary to maintain its performance.
CB does not have joint commercial interests with applicants and does not conduct general economic activities in the field of development and production of Halal products (services) corresponding to the scope of accreditation.
The staff and management of the CB are free from any commercial, financial and other pressures that could affect the results of Halal certification work.
Funding for the activities of the CB is carried out at the expense of funds received from the work carried out by the CB on certification (re-certification) of Halal, (periodic assessment) of the Halal system or preliminary audit.
Payment for Halal certification works is carried out by the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement with the applicant.
Payment for Halal certification works is made regardless of its results. The cost of Halal certification work for each specific applicant is determined on the basis of the time limits for their implementation, established by the labor intensity of Halal certification work in accordance with the requirements of GSO 2055-2, UAE.S 2055-2, OIC / SMIIC 2 standards.
CB has the necessary production facilities, technical base, financial resources necessary to maintain its performance.
CB does not have joint commercial interests with applicants and does not conduct general economic activities in the field of development and production of Halal products (services) corresponding to the scope of accreditation.
The staff and management of the CB are free from any commercial, financial and other pressures that could affect the results of Halal certification work.
Funding for the activities of the CB is carried out at the expense of funds received from the work carried out by the CB on certification (re-certification) of Halal, (periodic assessment) of the Halal system or preliminary audit.
Payment for Halal certification works is carried out by the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of an agreement with the applicant.
Payment for Halal certification works is made regardless of its results. The cost of Halal certification work for each specific applicant is determined on the basis of the time limits for their implementation, established by the labor intensity of Halal certification work in accordance with the requirements of GSO 2055-2, UAE.S 2055-2, OIC / SMIIC 2 standards.
Complaints and appeals
The certification body has a procedure for managing complaints and appeals submitted to the certification body, which provides for
requirements for registering and tracking complaints and appeals, as well as measures for their resolution.
The Complaints and Appeals Committee is responsible for handling complaints and appeals.
A summary of the complaints and appeals process is provided below:
requirements for registering and tracking complaints and appeals, as well as measures for their resolution.
The Complaints and Appeals Committee is responsible for handling complaints and appeals.
A summary of the complaints and appeals process is provided below:
Applicant's Responsibility
– to ensure the stability of the functioning of the Halal system;
— to ensure that the certification requirements are met, including the introduction of appropriate changes, when notified by the Halal certification body;
– carry out marking with the Halal sign;
– make claims regarding Halal certification in accordance with the scope of Halal certification;
— pay all costs associated with the implementation of the periodic evaluation;
– take appropriate action in relation to complaints that relate to compliance with Halal certification requirements, and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with certification requirements;
- immediately inform the CB about all changes made to the documented information of the Halal system, which may affect the ability of the Halal system to continue to comply with the requirements of the standard used in the certification, as well as in cases:
— changes in legal, commercial, organizational status or form of ownership;
— changes in the organization and management (for example, a change in top management, decision makers or technical staff);
— changes in the product or method of production;
– changes in contact details and location of production;
— significant changes in the Halal system.
– use the Halal certificate of conformity in accordance with the rules for its application and strictly in the field of activity for which it was received;
- eliminate non-conformities identified during the periodic assessment within a period not exceeding 60 days;
— meet the requirements of the CB when referring to the status of their certification in the means of communication (Internet, brochures, promotional materials, etc.);
— not to make and/or allow any misleading statements regarding the scope of the Halal system;
- upon suspension, cancellation or termination of certification, stop using all promotional materials that contain any reference to certification and take the measures required by the certification scheme (for example, returning certification documents) and any other necessary measures;
– make changes to all sources, including advertising materials, in case of reducing the scope of the Halal certificate;
– provide other persons with copies of Halal certification documents, reproduced in full or as indicated in the certification scheme;
- comply with all requirements prescribed by the certification scheme regarding the use of the mark of conformity, as well as requirements for product information;
– not to allow interpretation that the Halal certificate of conformity applies to activities that are not covered by the scope of Halal certification;
- not use product certification in a way that could damage the reputation of the CB, and also not make any statements regarding the certification of its products, which the CB considers misleading or illegal.
- cooperate and enable CB to conduct evaluations for the purpose of certification (including submission of documents requested by CB, access to audit the client facility which can either be announced or unannounced and periodically scheduled as per the audit program)
- permit CB to publish company details as much as required for the purpose of certification body accreditation and regulatory requirements such as name of certified client and product category under certification and logos of company if required for marketing purposes and or websites.